Da Brains go in here!


Hi Whimsy fans

It's me again, Kelly W, with a second card for the 31 nights of Halloween. Halloween is right up the corner. Are you guys as excited as I am? 

This second card turned out so cool if you ask me! 

First I stamped Zombie Boy ,colored him with Copic Markers and I added his crazy eyes.

I always start with the main feature first, because I always make the colors from the main return in the background.

Then I created the background using texture paste and a bubble stencil. I painted that with green acrylic paint, and sprayed metallic paint over it to give it a cool shine.

I used the Atlas Mason Jar Die Set to create the Mason Jar and I filled it with some printed Brains. And overlapped it with Vellum paper for the glass effect.

Then I glued the Jar on the card, the Zombie on the Jar, the sentiments on the Zombie and Jar, and Zombieboy comes to life. 

I really hope you guys love this card as much as I do, and I really hope I could inspire you.

Begin a guest designer for Whimsy stamps is a dream that came true, and I really enjoyed making these Halloween cards. 

Happy Halloween and stay creepy!


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